2023 National Child Health Day

Thank you for joining us as we celebrated National Child Health Day on Monday, Oct. 2!

We all have the power to improve the health of children in Wisconsin. We are so grateful that you showed your support by posting a photo on social media for National Child Health Day using #ForKidsHealth.

2023 National Child Health Day Resources

Use the following resources and join us as we celebrate National Child Health Day on Monday, Oct. 2! #ForKidsHealth.

2023 #ForKidsHealth Sign

Join the movement and show your support by downloading this customizable sign and posting a photo on social media using #ForKidsHealth!

Zoom Background

2023 National Child Health Day branded Zoom background to show your support #ForKidsHealth.

National Child Health Day Messaging

Newsletter and social media copy to engage your partners and audience for National Child Health Day.

2023 National Child Health Day Recap

Children are the building blocks for the future and ensuring their health is at the top of everything we do at the Alliance. In 1928, Congress established National Child Health Day to recognize the importance of children’s health and we continue to support this message every day.

Check out some key highlights from the 2023 National Child Health Day!

WAC Wisconsin ESMC Keeping Kids Alive Wisconsin Medical Home Oral Health